"Two Weeks In Utah" - Year 1
Yes, it was cold!! I mean like cold foreal, like 0° and below before wind chill....

The coldest temperatures my body has ever felt, so cold thought my toes might melt. So cold that walking at night actually made me question if I'd make it back to my room for real, so cold that I realized winter isn't all that bad. No way in hell I'd live in that cold, yet cold enough to no longer count out winter vacation destinations.

So why was I there?...

Sunday, January 15th, 2023: "Unfortunately, we will not be able to place you in a volunteer role this season. We hope you will consider applying for the 2024 Festival." Monday, January 16th, 2023: "I had a very last-minute cancellation on one of my theater teams. The role is lodged, and based on your interest and prior communications, I would love to offer you the following full-time assigned volunteer role". Wednesday, January 18th, 2023: **I land in Salt Lake City, Utah 12:34pm...less than an hour later Welcome to Park City, Utah!!
Last minute and sporadic to some, lucky to others, and to me exactly where I was supposed to be. 2 weeks in Utah was my introduction to the historic Sundance Film Festival. This was the first year the festival returned to in-person activities since the COVID-19 pandemic. Let's not be misled here, I wasn't attending the festival as just a moviegoer, or a photographer for the variety of events that were going on. Frankly, nobody cared that I took photos or created images because the fact is whoever I crossed paths with probably was an amazing creative with a crazy dope resume and skillsets to match. I was working as a full-time volunteer as part of the Theater Crew, I won't go into the details and nuances of my role, which theater, or the team I had the privilege and pleasure of working with but the experience was life-enhancing.

From the parties, pop-up shops, invite-only events, connections, and member exclusive whatnots, Park City, Utah exposed me to a new landscape. From the mountains to the art, and even the camera equipment that helped me realize that I was doing a lot of things wrong as a creative business owner. Talking with folks from all walks of life and various regions of the world about their first time directing a film and having its premiere there, or actresses who've been trying for decades to land a leading role and to land that role where the film will be showcased at this world-class event helped me to put into perspective that you really don't know what will work unless you give every project and assignment your all.
I haven't even attempted to talk about the amazing films that I saw, the documentaries about Nikki Giovanni, Little Richard, Steph Curry, and more that continue to inspire me. The panel conversations gave me added confidence to continue dreaming, and the thousands of people I crossed paths with that showed me that solid human beings exist in real life still. All this to say, thanks for RollingWithWills!!
S/O to Shabu for the meal!
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